I'll let you go my love, If that's what you want, I'll let you go, one day, When the sun sets in the East, When there is a white sky, When the moon stops revolving around the earth, When there is no longer revolving of the planets, When the sun's rays don't reach Earth, When there is not a single star in the sky, When astronomy fails, When the planets collide, When the nights are white, When the days are dark, I'll let you go. When there is no rain, no snow, no winter, no summer, When the weather does not change, When the climate is constant, When the heatwaves turn into something pleasant, When there is no global warming, When the environment is pure and clean, When there is no concept of red and green, When the birds do not tweet, When the UV rays don't kill, When the Sun stops rising, I'll let you go! When the flowers stop blossoming, When there is no fragrance, When the butter...
I write about life experiences, philosophies, idealism, realism, and nihilism. If you find life's meaning in Kafka, Camus, or Nietzsche, you can follow me. I am always a poem Rumi forgot to finish.