How do you want to be captured?" you ask. Don't you know how to capture me? Don't you know the art of being immortalized in words? Haven't you made me a prisoner of your love? I want to lie on the pages of your diary where you'd put dry flowers. I want to bleed into your ink. I want to be a permanent part of your daily blogs. I want to smell like your hands that leave their scent when you touch my soul. Baby, imprison me in your thoughts. Cage my whole life in your eyes. Bury me in your heart. Wear me in your skin. Don't you know I want to be captured by you? And only you.
I write about life experiences, philosophies, idealism, realism, and nihilism. If you find life's meaning in Kafka, Camus, or Nietzsche, you can follow me. I am always a poem Rumi forgot to finish.