We all have a dark side. Whether we acknowledge it or not, doesn't matter. Since the creation of this world, two forces have dominated the world — the good and the bad. From animals to humans, each one of us has some bad and good qualities. In the end, the dominant side wins. But it's not true. We are continuously entangled in this war of right and wrong. We take one decision that is against something. No matter if it is a bad or good one. We have this story of Abel and Cain . Then we have this saying of " All is fair in love and war ". So, how does it make Cain a bad person? I leave this question to you. Life as we know it is not simple. It's not complex either. We make it complicated. Our brain works in such a way that weighs all the pros and cons of a decision. Every decision is a decision against something, as they say in the German series - Dark, we just go with a lesser wrong decision or at least we pretend that we made a good choice. The...
I write about life experiences, philosophies, idealism, realism, and nihilism. If you find life's meaning in Kafka, Camus, or Nietzsche, you can follow me. I am always a poem Rumi forgot to finish.