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Intrusive Thoughts

 And sometimes, we just can't!

Despite all the love, feelings, and emotions; sometimes we must let people go and prioritize ourselves.

It is hard but when the efforts are not mutual, letting go is the better option.

And how hard it is for us to kill the love we have for someone and be neutral with it? Why no one talks about it? The hurt that comes with one-sided efforts and love, why no one talks about it?

And why no one talks about the sneaky love? Why do we have to be careful with our hearts? Why can't we just get the one we love? Why they don't love us back? Why we are nothing for them? Why it happens? Why do we fall in love with the red-flag people and ignore the green flags?


Isn't it weird? With all the love we have, do we have to just sit silently and let them slip away from our lives?



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