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Showing posts from May, 2024

The Melancholy of Existence

 And then ...   There must be something missing - a void - for it is necessary.  The melancholy of man  can't  be described  by someone who has fulfilled all his desires. The grief, the emptiness, the bleakness is nothing but an artist's perspective. All those great  artists,  the world has ever  produced,  had to go through something ineffable. What if there was no pain? What if there was no grief? What if there was no sadness? Don't you think how empty the world could have been?  The darkness of life makes a man ponder over everything.  I know,  I know it is absurd, I know life has no meaning, everything is meaningless, there is no purpose of life  and  we are lost because we are trying to make sense of  everything,  when there is nothing but an infinite despair. Every decision is a decision against something else. You step into the shoes of rebellion and leave the conformist behaviour. But, then agai...

Fading into the Void

I died today. Or yesterday or maybe that day when I realized nothing made sense anymore. But I died. How  did I  die? I don't know.  But,  why  did I  die?  Sigh. The list is long , don't you think?   Maybe,  your words killed me.  Maybe,  that day, you said something that pierced into my ears, tearing my eardrums  apart,  and losing my hearing abilities.  Or maybe, that  day,  when father showed his disappointment in me, making me feel like a cockroach - naah, not a cockroach but something more disgusting, like an insect who  cannot  do anything except be a burden on others.  Or  maybe,  that  day,  when my mother scolded me for being too needy, killing all my emotions, feelings, and passions.  Oh, no  honey . I couldn't die possibly because of these things.  I was  tougher  than that.  Then what killed me? Now, when I recall, I don't remember...

Beyond Words

You guys ask if I have forgotten about my blog. Absolutely Not! But something has happened - life! Life happened! This morning, I was thinking about the topic for today's blog but couldn't find one. Isn't it strange?  You want to write about your thoughts  but   you  just  can't find the right words,  the right  emotions, and all that.   You are feeling everything , deep  down  you  know what you want to write about, what you need to communicate about  but  you  just  can't make people see it the way you see it.  This  leads me to another  thing,  the people!  This week has made me realize the importance of people. People are so freaking necessary  but  not all people. People with whom you can share your pain, who speak your language, who don't need words to know what  are you  thinking, who can be with you in the darkest moments of your life.  I  don't agree...